
Hazardous Waste Landfills

Phoenix has designed Subtitle C landfills for numerous commercial disposal and manufacturing facilities since the mid-1980s. Our state-of-the-art designs involve double liner systems with leak detection and collection systems. A key feature of Phoenix’s designs is to maximize air space capacity in a given footprint. Phoenix designs incorporate proven approaches to landfill design that provide the regulatory flexibility necessary in operation.

  1. Bullet  Commercial landfills

  2. Bullet  Monofills

  3. Bullet  Remediation Landfills

Hazardous Waste Landfills

  1. Bullet Overview

  2. Bullet Hazardous Waste Landfills Experience


© 2012 Phoenix Environmental Engineers, Inc.. All elements contained within this web site are the exclusive copyright of Phoenix Environmental Engineers, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced for any purpose without the express written permission of Phoenix Environmental Engineers, Inc..

This matrix provides a brief sample of Phoenix’s broad experience in this specialty area.  However, our capabilities are not limited to the summary provided.